Sunday, January 8, 2017

Excellent Response to generic Epclusa from American Patient

We have just received news a few days ago that one of our patients Gwenyth lab results show no viral load detected.  Everyone on the Soul of Healing and Sunny Pharma team we're anxious about how effective the generic Epclusa from Beacon Pharmaceuticals would be.  Even with Dr. Freeman of Tasmania advocating Beacon Pharmaceuticals, as skeptical Americans its hard to believe.

                        Generic Epclusa 12 weeks, 84 tablets $2195

Well, the good news is Gwenyth has only been on treatment for 2 weeks and the no viral load results are impressive.  Her physician strongly recommends her full course of 12 weeks to complete the treatment once in for all.  This makes sense, its the case of "just in case", we don't want to take chances.  Really, what's another 10 weeks.  Gwenyth, thank you so much for sharing the results and we look forward to hearing from you again in another 10 weeks.

God bless we wish you all the best.

Melissa McKnight
HCV Advocate

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