Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Officials say efforts to stop the spread of hepatitis C through a needle exchange program will start next month in eastern Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS — Officials say efforts to stop the spread of hepatitis C through a needle exchange program will start next month in eastern Indiana.

Commissioner Mary Anne Butters says the once-a-month program will start on a Thursday in August. However the (Richmond) Palladium-Item reports ( ) she didn't yet know which Thursday.

The Indiana health commissioner previously declared a public health emergency for Wayne County because of the number of HIV and hepatitis C infections. The syringe program is aimed at stopping the spread of disease. Wayne County is one of five in the state to have a similar declaration.

Statistics showed Wayne County has recorded 179 hepatitis C cases per 100,000 people, compared to the state average of 69 per 100,000.

The public health emergency declaration lasts one year, until June 2, 2017.

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